Biography | Recommended Recordings | Books and Printed Music
MIDI Files
Works for Vocals and Orchestra | Instrumental and Chamber Music | Orchestral Works
Works for Vocals and Orchestra : Dramatic Oratorios | Operas | Occasional
Dramatic Oratorios
- Judas Maccabaeus - Ken Whitcomb
- Overture
Please install flash ...- "Mourn, ye afflicted children" - chorus
Please install flash ...- "From this dread scene" - Soprano and Tenor duet
Please install flash ...- "For Zion lamentation make" - chorus
Please install flash ...- "Pious orgies, pious airs" - soprano aria
Please install flash ...- "Arm, arm ye brave!" - bass aria, "We come in bright array" - chorus
Please install flash ...- "O Father, whose almighty power" - chorus
Please install flash ...- "Come, ever-smiling liberty" - soprano aria
Please install flash ...- "Come, ever-smiling Liberty" - soprano/tenor duet
Please install flash ...- "Zion now her head shall raise" - duet and chorus
Please install flash ...- "Ah! wretched, wretched Israel!" - aria and chorus
Please install flash ...- "Father of Heaven" Alto aria
Please install flash ...- "See, the Conquering Hero Comes" Chorus
Please install flash ...- "Sing unto God" - chorus
Please install flash ...- "With honour let desert be crowned." - Tenor aria
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- Messiah
- Overture
Please install flash ...- "For Behold, Darkness Will Cover the Earth"
Please install flash ...- "Glory To God"
Please install flash ...- "For Unto Us A Child Is Born"
Please install flash ...- "Hallelujah"
Please install flash ...- "Hallelujah"
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- Ode for St. Cecilia's Day - Ken Whitcomb
- Overture
Please install flash ...- "From harmony,from heav'nly harmony" Opening recitative and aria (tenor)
Please install flash ...- "From Harmony" Chorus
Please install flash ...- "What Passion Cannot Music Raise and Quell?" Soprano aria
Please install flash ...- "The trumpet's loud clangour" Tenor aria and chorus
Please install flash ...- "March"
Please install flash ...- "The soft complaining flute" Soprano aria
Please install flash ...- "Sharp violins proclaim" Tenor aria
Please install flash ...- "But Oh, What Art Can Teach!" Soprano aria
Please install flash ...- "Orpheus could lead the savage race" Soprano aria
Please install flash ...- "But bright Cecilia." Soprano recitative
Please install flash ...- "As from the pow'r of sacred lays." Final chorus
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- Samson - Ken Whitcomb
- "Awake the Trumpet's Lofty Sound"
Please install flash ...- "Let the Bright Seraphim"
Please install flash ...- "Total Eclipse!"
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- Semele - Ken Whitcomb
- "Iris, hence away!"
Please install flash ...- "O Sleep, Why Dost Thou Leave Me? "
Please install flash ...- "Where'er you walk"
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- "And with the blast of thy nostrils" from Israel in Egypt.
Please install flash ...- "Waft her, angels" from Jephtha
Please install flash ...- "O God Who In Thy Heav'nly Hand" from Joseph and His Brethren
Please install flash ...- "See the Raging Flames Arise" from Joshua
Please install flash ...- "All His Mercies Shall Endure" from The Occasional Oratorio
Please install flash ...- "Dead March" from Saul
Please install flash ...- "May no rash intruder" chorus from Solomon
Please install flash ...- "Blest Be The Hand" from Theodora
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- "V'adoro, pupille" from Giulio Cesare in Egitto
Please install flash ...- "Va tacito" from Giulio Cesare in Egitto
Please install flash ...- "Cara Sposa," from Rinaldo
Please install flash ...- "Lascia ch'io pianga" from Rinaldo
Please install flash ...- "Dove sei, amato bene" from Rodelinda, regina de'Longobardi
Please install flash ...- "Mio caro bene" from Rodelinda, regina de'Longobardi
Please install flash ...- March from Scipione
Please install flash ...- "Se Fiera" a tenor aria from Tolomeo, Re d'Egitto.
Please install flash ...- "Vivi tiranno" from Tolomeo, Re d'Egitto
Please install flash ...- "Largo" from Xerxes
Please install flash ...- "Largo" from Xerxes
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Occasional Music
- Hymn and Alleluia Amen from "The Wedding Anthem for Princess Anne"
Please install flash ...- Rejoice from The Dettingen Te Deum
Please install flash ...- Zadok the Priest
Please install flash ...- Zadok the Priest
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Instrumental and Chamber Music : Concertos | Keyboard Music | Sonatas
- Concerto For Clarinet and Strings (arr. for clarinet and piano) - Matt Johnson
- 1st. Movement
Please install flash ...- 2nd. Movement
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- Concerto No.3 for Oboe in G min, (arr. for clarinet and piano) - Louis Rubens
- Grave
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Sarabande: largo
Please install flash ...- Allegro
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- Concerto for Organ in F, (Op.4 No.4) - Lloyd Thompkins / Randy Reid
- 1st. Movement
Please install flash ...- 2nd. Movement
Please install flash ...- 3rd. Movement
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- Concerto for Organ F (Op.7 No.7) Ken Whitcomb
- Larghetto
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Adagio
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Larghetto
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- Concerto in F - (Op.4 No.5) (Arranged for Flute and Guitar)
- 1st. Movement
Please install flash ...- 2nd. Movement
Please install flash ...- 3rd. Movement
Please install flash ...- 4th. Movement
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- Concerto in Bb for Harp and Orchestra - (Op.4 No.6) - Michael J. Starke
- 1st. Movement
Please install flash ...- 2nd. Movement
Please install flash ...- 3rd. Movement
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- Concerto Grosso in G major, (Op.6 No.1) Ken Whitcomb
- A tempo giusto
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Adagio
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Allegro
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- Concerto Grosso in F major, (Op.6 No.2) Ken Whitcomb
- Andante larghetto
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Largo
Please install flash ...- Allegro ma non troppo
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- Concerto Grosso in E minor, (Op.6 No.3) Ken Whitcomb
- Larghetto
Please install flash ...- Andante
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Polonaise
Please install flash ...- Allegro ma non troppo
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- Concerto Grosso in A-minor (Op.6 No.4) - Paul C. Dickie
- Larghetto
Please install flash ...- Andante
Please install flash ...- Largo
Please install flash ...- Allegro
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- Concerto Grosso in A minor (Op.6 No.4) - Ken Whitcomb
- Larghetto affettuoso
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Largo e piano
Please install flash ...- Allegro
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- Concerto Grosso in D (Op.6 No.5) - Jack Sirulnikoff
- Overture: larghetto e staccato
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Presto
Please install flash ...- Largo
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Menuet
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- Concerto Grosso in G minor (Op.6 No.6) - Ken Whitcomb
- Largo affettuoso
Please install flash ...- A tempo giusto
Please install flash ...- Musette: larghetto
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Allegro
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- Concerto Grosso in Bb (Op.6 No.7) - Ken Whitcomb
- Largo
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Largo e piano
Please install flash ...- Andante
Please install flash ...- Hornpipe
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- Concerto Grosso in C minor (Op.6 No.8) - Ken Whitcomb
- Allemande
Please install flash ...- Grave
Please install flash ...- Andante allegro
Please install flash ...- Adagio
Please install flash ...- Siciliana
Please install flash ...- Allegro
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- Concerto Grosso in F (Op.6 No.9) Ken Whitcomb
- Largo
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Larghetto
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Menuet
Please install flash ...- Gigue
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- Concerto Grosso in D minor, (Op.6 No.10) Ken Whitcomb
- Ouverture (largo)
Please install flash ...- Allegro-lentement
Please install flash ...- Air (lento)
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Allegro moderato
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- Concerto Grosso in A (Op.6 No.11) - Ken Whitcomb
- Andante larghetto, e staccato
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Largo e staccato
Please install flash ...- Andante
Please install flash ...- Allegro
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- Concerto Grosso in Bmin (Op.6 No.12) - Ken Whitcomb
- Complete
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- Concerto Grosso (Op.6 No.5) - Menuet
Please install flash ...- Concerto Grosso (Op.6 No.5) - Menuet
Please install flash ...- Concerto Grosso (Op.6 No.6) in G minor
Please install flash ...- Concerto Grosso (Op.6 No.12) - 3rd Movement (Aria)
Please install flash ...- Concerto for Organ in Bb (Op.7, No.6)
Please install flash ...- Concerto a due cori No.2 part 3, "A tempo giusto"
Please install flash ...- Concerto a due cori No.2 part 6, "A tempo ordinario"
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Keyboard Music
- Air and Variations Suite no. 1 Book 2
Please install flash ...- Air and Variations from "The Harmonious Blacksmith"
Please install flash ...- Air and variations from "The Harmonious Blacksmith"
Please install flash ...- Allemande
Please install flash ...- Chaconne
Please install flash ...- Chaconne in G
Please install flash ...- Courante e due Menuetti
Please install flash ...- Jig from the Suite in Emin for Harpsichord
Please install flash ...- Passacaile from the Suite in G minor
Please install flash ...- Sarabande from the Harpsichord Suite in D minor
Please install flash ...- Suite in Dmin
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Six Grand Fugues for keyboard Dr Allen Brown
- Sonata for Alto Recorder and Continuo (Op.1 No.2) in Gmin The Recorder Home Page
- 1st Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 2nd Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 3rd Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 4th Mov't.
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- Sonata for Alto Recorder and Continuo (Op.1 No.4) in Amin The Recorder Home Page
- 1st Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 2nd Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 3rd Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 4th Mov't.
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- Sonata for Alto Recorder and Continuo (Op.1 No.7) The Recorder Home Page
- 1st Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 2nd Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 3rd Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 4th Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 5th Mov't.
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- Sonata for Alto Recorder and Continuo (Op.1 No.11) The Recorder Home Page
- 1st Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 2nd Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 3rd Mov't.
Please install flash ...- 4th Mov't.
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- Sonata No. 3 for Flute and Piano
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- Sonata No.4 in G for Flute and Continuo Shane Ellis
- Adagio
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Adagio
Please install flash ...- Bourree
Please install flash ...- Minuetto
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- Sonata No.3 in F for Violin - Marty Weimer
- Adagio
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Largo
Please install flash ...- Allegro
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- Sonata No.6 in F for Violin - Marty Weimer
- Adagio
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Largo
Please install flash ...- Allegro non troppo
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Orchestral Works : Music for the Royal Fireworks | Water Music
- Music for the Royal Fireworks
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- Music for the Royal Fireworks - Martin White
- Overture
Please install flash ...- Allegro
Please install flash ...- Bourrèe
Please install flash ...- La Paix
Please install flash ...- La Rèjouissance
Please install flash ...- Menuet 1&2
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- La Rejouissance from Royal Fireworks
Please install flash ...- La Rejouissance from Royal Fireworks
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- Water Music Suite (216k) George Pollen
- Water Music - various movements in several different arrangements
- Watermusic 1
Please install flash ...- Watermusic 2
Please install flash ...- Watermusic 3
Please install flash ...- Watermusic 4
Please install flash ...- Watermusic 5
Please install flash ...- Watermusic 6
Please install flash ...- Watermusic 7
Please install flash ...- Watermusic 8
Please install flash ...- Watermusic 9
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