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Posted by Kevin on August 11, 2005 at 00:04:53:

So I just bought the QS Plus Piano, it rocks. However, I was wondering if there was a built in metronome? IF there is, can somebody please tell me how to get to it? and if not, perhaps a way to hook one up to it ( i was think to the AUX?)

Also, I bought mine used and it didn't come w/ a sound card- I want to put the different programs in a particular order so that it matches the set of my band so I don't have to go from program to program and setting to setting- Form what I've gatheres, you can only do that in the "user" bank or on a sound card, is that correct?

If so, I won't want to lose the preset sounds in the user bank, so I'd have to get a sound-card? Where would I get one for this specific keyboard?

Thanks to anyone who can help out- Kevin.

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