Correct Flashram.... where to get in Europe... (preferrably in the Netherlans)

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Posted by Fred on August 31, 1998 at 14:38:13:

OK. I know, known problem... But couldn't find any solution....

I've ordered a QS8 a few days ago, and i wanted to have a 8mb Flashcard with it, to store samples on it.
I wanted to order it with my QS8 together, but the salesman had only the "Alesis"-price of the card,
which would cost me about $500..... so it would be better to buy sram (mine opinion, not his)......
I could also order the card at Alix, this would cost me aprox. $125 but I can't take the risk to order it and
get trough customs..
It's rather difficult to get the correct card in the Netherlands.
I've told the salesman the stories about the problem with the cards, and he offered me to help with checking other
flashram cards (with the same specifications)that will work, when the QS8 arrives.
So my questions are:
- where can the correct (AMD or Pretec) plastic flashcards be ordered in Europe?
- are there ANY other cards or alternatives which can used as flashram cards ?
- shall I use my QS8 to test other cards?

Thanks anyway


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