Re: QS Live Use

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Posted by Dave on October 14, 1999 at 12:02:20:

In Reply to: QS Live Use posted by Chris on October 13, 1999 at 00:27:37:

: I noticed that when playing MIDI files on the QS (QS7), there is some slight delay before the song starts. Instead of bringing a computer to every live gig, how are rack sequencers? Can someone give me a general idea on how they work or give me some websites where I can get some good info? Thanks for any help!

I play live with midi files regularly. All midi files, if they are done correctly, will have a short pause before they begin. Typically, the first that that happens when you play a midi file is that all the bank/patch changes are sent to the keyboard along with additional information such as initial volume, panning, and maybe even some specific sysex information. Rule of thumb is to have one measure of silence before the music starts so the keyboard can configure itself completely. If you try to play the music without the one measure you will get some pretty weird sounds as the keyboard tries to play the sequence while making the configuration changes.

You might also want to pick up a Flash RAM card for storing and playing sequences - that way you can control everything from your keyboard and won't have to mess around with any external equipment.


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