Re: SB Live Midi Cable
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Posted by Andrew Glagau on January 03, 2002 at 09:19:32:
In Reply to: SB Live Midi Cable posted by Fausto Orecchini on December 15, 2001 at 09:19:14:
Dear Sir,
If you are using the front panel of your computer, then if your cable does not work and you are using a normal stereo 5 pin DIN plug you may need to purchase a cable specifically for your synth.
I have found many people having your problem thinking that any din in/out would work, unfortunately purchase a seperate one specifically made for their system.
This can be very anoiying especially when it's not in stock at the reatailers and needs to be ordered.
You can get around it the hard way like I had to do in the past but you need patience and that's to create your own by simply purchasing another cable with removable covers on each end and desoldering and resoldering wires to the points. Not all 5 Pin DIN cables will work and that's why resoldering does. You must be very careful though but once you've achieved success, you can then create another from scratch very quickly if need to. I have found that most of the time is spent finding the right wires to go to the right points. Usually with normal 5Pin DIN plugs you have a "LEFT - RIGHT - EARTH IN" Then you have a "LEFT - RIGHT - EARTH OUT". The "EARTH" is pasive, therefore is only ONE.
Also, depending on your synth, some need you to tell them that you are sending your signal out via DIN-OUT to the computer and then back again to DIN-IN of your synth.
Hope this helps a little.