Ensoniq EPS Sequenced Song To ProTools LE via MIDI

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Posted by Ernie Archambault on February 17, 2002 at 21:43:03:

Sequenced a song on my Ensoniq EPS keyboard using 3 instruments on 3 separate instrument tracks (trk-1 Latin Perc; trk-2 Vibes; trk-8 Pwr Drms). Tried to transfer the Keyboard's 3 individual tracks into 3 individual tracks in my new ProTools LE software via digidesign's Digi 001 box. When I used midi cables (Input/Output), I pressed the VIBES instrument middle C key and got a piano sound from my computer. IN fact, all 3 instruments played a piano sound. So, I tried recoding anyway and I think I was successful in recording the "data" on 3 separate tracks in ProTools but it wouldn't play any sound from ProTools play back button. I could only see the sound levels moving up and down but no sound from ProTools output. I apparently don't understand how midi works. Can you try to help me out?

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