Tag MIDI data to mp3??
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Posted by Thomas Dorsher on March 08, 2002 at 23:50:26:
Hello. I am looking for a program where I can link a series of midi notes to a mp3 file. Here's the application: When I select a song to play at a gig (mp3) I want to control my lights automatically. My lights are DMX controlled by a DMX controller that can be linked to a midi source. When I plug my keyboard into the DMX controller, I can instantly summon up scenes, and my lights move automatically when I hit any key on a keyboard (all thanks to MIDI). Lets pretend that a mp3 is playing and I use my MIDI keyboard to change the lights at certain points of a song. Is there a program available that will remember those keyboard strokes at precise intervals in a song? So, when I play that song, the lights will move automatically because there is MIDI data linked to that song. Then I play the next song, which has a whole new set of MIDI notes tagged to it and have a completely different light show for that song.
Thank you in advance for your research and reply.
Have a great day!!!!