Recording analog guitar signal as midi into Cakewalk 9
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Posted by Talal on March 30, 2002 at 13:09:17:
I tried working with the help file provided by cake walk 9 about the midi stuff but I still wasnt able to work things out.
This is basically what I'm trying to do with the midi, I have a Multi Effects guitar pedal (Digitech RP20) and the midi cables are connected to the joystick port on my sound card, I have a regular Electric guitar (not a midi guitar), so the effects pedal sends the midi signal to the computer. I want to record some guitar parts with the midi signal going to the pc from my effects processor then have Cakewalk convert the midi notes to sound like any other instrument I want, (for example strings, sax, organ, etc...).
What should the specification of the track be on cakewalk inorder to recieve my midi signal and record it, it has the options for source, port, channel, bank select method, bank and patch.
I know it should be easy to do but I'm not getting anything when I record, I checked the cable connection and it was right, any other suggestions?
- Re: Recording analog guitar signal as midi into Cakewalk 9 marc 4/19/2002