Eventide H3000 & Line 6

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Posted by Brian Pothier on December 11, 2002 at 15:57:01:


What I'm tring to do is get the tap function on a Line 6 shortboard (which is a pedal controller for aLine 6 amplifier, in my case a DouVerb) to trigger the BPM softkey on my Eventide H3000. I am using the shortboard to DuoVerb via cat 5 cable and then midi out DV to H3000 midi in.

The CC# for the tap button is #64
When I turn on the Midi monitor on the H3000, and hit the tap button, I see the message:
F0 40 7F

I then patch the BPM softkey on the h3000 to receive its source from small controller #64 but I still can't get the tap button to set the BPM on the H3000.

Am I doing it right from the Line 6 end? On the Eventide end? Is this message (F0 40 7F) a CC#? If so is the tap button CC# 64?


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