Help JV1010 and protools digi 001 issue
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Posted by greg rivera on January 24, 2003 at 02:09:37:
I have a roland JV1010 synth module. I can record midi and audio into protools but protools only plays back the audio. No sound when midi tracks are played back from protools. I have the JV1010 audio outs going into 1 and 2 ins (preamps) of the 001. Midi keyboard controller is an Evolution MK361. I have it's midi out going to the midi in of the JV1010.
Please help as I have tried just about everything.
Important note - I can hear midi play back from protools if I select my soundblaster synth as the output of the midi track/s. Nasty soundblaster his though! Also I do not have the JV1010 connected to my computer. Reason being roland doesn't have win 98 drivers. Only win 95.
Tried changing the outputs for the midi channels. Even changed it to the Digi midi out and tried all 16 channels. Also tried several different midi thru intstruments.
My midi keyboard controller only has an out midi. Do you think this may be the problem?
Plays audio back fine. Don't know where I should route the midi out channels to. The JV1010 which isn't listed because it's not connected to the computer or the Evolution keyboard which only has a midi out. ?????
Please help. I will pay $$