Re: controlling effects processors
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Posted by Dovre on March 16, 2003 at 13:58:18:
In Reply to: controlling effects processors posted by james on February 18, 2003 at 20:47:44:
First of all - if u wanna control them by midi - they need to be MIDI-compatible. If they are they will have circular MIDI IN and MIDI OUT ports on them. In the midi world there are contolmessages that are standarised, so if u wanna change ie. reverb/chorus for a midi-compatible unit u would noramlly send a CONTROLmessage to that unit from some sort of sequencer, box or PC. The control message numbers for reverb/chorus resides between # 90 and #95 in the midi standard. When I wanna set the reverb to 50% on track 1 of my Synth (wich is MIDI compatible) I send Control #91 with a value of 63 (max reverb is value 127) from my laptop (which runs a sequencer) to my Korg Trinity (my main synth sound module) just at the correct time i want the reverb to change. Which normally is in the beginning of the song. There are many MIDI charts out there showing the different controller numbers for the midi standard. You can find one here.
The backpart of this is that u need to play ON CLICK if u wanna play LIVE at a GIG so that you are in sync with your song/sequencer. But there might be control boxes out there that you can just trigger by a footswitch or something when you want special things to happen in your setup. Also a sequencer track doesnt need to be a song. It can only be a pack of controlmessages that u send to all your gear in between your different songs, to set up your effects properly.
Have Fun!