Re: no midi out put with win98
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Posted by Gert on May 27, 2003 at 06:52:54:
In Reply to: Re: no midi out put with win98 posted by AC on January 14, 2003 at 13:48:52:
If you just copy "c:\windows\system32\drivers\gm.dls" to "c:\windows\system" you will probably find that the "Sample File Open Failed" message no longer comes up. This will save you doing the process below.. BUT the process below also works provided you use the SIS drivers though and not your Motherboard drivers, I know, I tried it.
The reason this problem occurs is because the midi driver is looking for a General Midi Sample Patch Bank. sissynth needs this to play midi instruments.
Why the driver looks for the gm.dls in "windows/system" I dont know.
: :
: : You need to go to the SIS website, download the sis7012_106 drivers files. The sisauduT is within that file. It's a 6MB zip file. when you run it, it asks you to point to the file. You need to point to the GM.DLS file, I'm not 100% sure of the name, but the extension is correct. Do a search to find what directory. I think it's C:\windows\system32\drivers. You can also find it using dxdiag.exe the direct X utility. Look under midi, the windows midi port will point to the correct dls file. Then you need to go to settings\control panel\multimedia properties\midi and select sissythesiser as the single instrument. This procedure is for win98, I have no idea about anyother versions.
: Also, I forgot, first after you download the 6mb file, unzip it somewhere on the desktop for ease. remove the sis audio using add\remove programs. restart. when it says pci audio detected, hit cancel. Then run setup under that unzip folder, it should be called 106. it will install the drivers and you restart. then you have to go under the 106 folder and run the sisaudut.exe. Then you point to the dls file. And follow as above.