Need help combining multiple MIDI files...
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Posted by Jasyn Grimm on June 12, 2003 at 13:56:33:
I have been recently creating MIDIs with MIDI Maker 1.01, and though I am fond of the software, it's one big drawback is that the grid it provides for you to work on only goes up to 250 columns...So when I make songs that need to go beyond that, I have no choice but to break them down into smaller separate files...
Now I need to find a program with which I can re-combine those smaller files back into one larger one...I have tried everything I have been able to find and nothing has worked for me...The closest attempt was with Acid Music, it at least let me cut and paste the data from each file into one continuous song, but it won't let me save it as a MIDI, AND the MIDIs sound totally wrong when opened in Acid Music anyway (ie. too slow/fast, wrong intruments)...
So can anybody tell me how to take 2 or 3 MIDIs and combine them into one song, one file after another (not on top of each other)? It seems like it would be simple but I am going nuts trying to figure this out! Thanks
- Re: Need help combining multiple MIDI files... Shawn 10/22/2003