Click sounds during playback...please help!!!
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Posted by Miamisax on August 05, 2003 at 01:30:52:
Whenever I play MIDI files in CakeWalk PA9, Finale 2003, or Sibelius 2, I hear a steady clicking sound that sounds like tapping your throat while singing a note.
And no, it's not the metronome, wise guy. :P
I think I'm hearing channel messages because when I press random keys down on my keyboard during playback (Roland JV-30), the clicks get worse. Thoughts?
The really weird thing is that if I use a dummy MIDI player program, there are no clicks during playback, even if I press keys on the Roland - it only happens in those programs I mentioned before. (I also have Reason 2.0, but there's no clicking problem there.)
I have the latest drivers for my sound card (onboard C-Media 8738, ASIO). I thought my sound card might be the problem, but I think even if I buy a new one, this click problem will still exist.
Mind you, the playback I'm talking about isn't playback through the Roland - I mean when playing back through the computer using the C-Media MIDI synthesis driver, not the MPU-401 (driver an for external controller). I never had this problem with my old computer, but I can remember having it as long as I've had this new one.
A possible clue: if I unplug the MIDI Out cable from my keyboard during playback, the clicks go away. Does that mean the Roland is sending messages which are interrupting playback? Then how come it doesn't do that when I use a dummy program?
Is there some sort of constant check that happens in a MIDI system, similar to how computer programs constantly check to see if any keys are pressed? From everything I've read, all answers point to no, but I think I've gotta be missing something.
Any help would be tremendously appreciated!
- Re: Click sounds during playback...please help!!! René 9/11/2003
- Asio c-media8738 loading failed Darshan 8/31/2003