Re: I tried midi port 330 in bios, still no sound with keyboard and onboard-soundcard
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Posted by Anis on October 22, 2003 at 10:54:36:
In Reply to: I tried midi port 330 in bios, still no sound with keyboard and onboard-soundcard posted by Sanne Schaap on January 16, 2003 at 14:06:08:
I had this same problem with some very old sound card once. It started to work okay with edge-triggered inverter. I simply inverted the signal line. There is +5V pin at midi connector of your sound card so you can take operating voltage for IC from that pin. By doing that you don't need an extra power supply for the IC. If this inverting doesn't help on this, it doesn't however harm your hardware in any ways, assume that you have connected everything right. It's recommended that you connect every no-needed inputs of the IC to ground or to +5V. I don't really know will this help in this case but you can always try. I can send the circuit with an e-mail if someone interested about and doesn't know how to do this inverting.