help please!
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Posted by AdamNOOB on January 03, 2004 at 01:00:49:
I have a Kawai digital piano and decided to use it's two mini ports in the back (midi in, midi out). So i baught a Midiman UNO, USB/Midi converter, and got CakeWalk. I cannot record music to cakewalk from the digital piano.
Some questions:
- There are 3 light on the midiman, USB, Midi IN, Midi Out. All of them light up except for the midi-out. Why wouldnt that light up?
- Here is my set up: USB to Midiman converter, which splits into two midi cables, which i plugged into their respective ports in the back of the Kawai digital piano.
- It seems as if cake walk and my computer does not recognize the Kawai Digital piano at all.
I would appreciate it so much if you could help me out... seriously.
- Re: help please! Wes B. 1/03/2004
- Re: help please! AdamNOOB 1/03/2004
- Re: help please! AdamNOOB 1/03/2004
- Re: help please! AdamNOOB 1/03/2004
- Re: help please! AdamNOOB 1/03/2004
- Re: help please! AdamNOOB 1/03/2004