midiman + mc 505 + cubase : how to setup ?
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Posted by Nico on April 22, 2002 at 16:20:53:
i recently bought a usb midiman 2*2 port that works fine.
I would like to control the MC505 using the cubase vst5 sequencer.
I do not know really how to do this.
Additionnaly, I think I need "drummaps" files and bank sounds/patches so that I can select the right sound on the right part. I began to read the docs but I am a bit lost being not MIDI and cubase experimented. and i was hoping a quick procedure.
I wish as well to export my MC505 patterns to cubase for reworking.
If anybody can help that would be nice.
Nicolas, ashamed being french since yesterday:
fight racism everywhere anyhow !
- Re: midiman + mc 505 + cubase : how to setup ? earlthe pearl 5/08/2002