The Keyboard Tuning of Domenico Scarlatti

With regard to tunings actually used in the past for harpsichords, I must regretfully note that "Tuning In: Microtonality in Electronic Music" by Scott R. Wilkinson (1988) has a number of serious errors (Werckmeister III, for example).

For those with electronic tuners, the tuning used for my Scarlatti recordings is C=0, 85.6, 193.4, 291.4, 386.3, 498.0, 584.7, 696.8, 787.5, 888.7, 994.9, 1086.5 cents, my personal evaluation of a tuning described by a number of French documents of the period, I believe first by d'Alembert. For Bach, I use C=0, 90.2, 192.3, 294.1, 390.2, 498.1, 588.3, 696.2, 792.2, 888.3, 996.1, 1092.2 cents (Werckmeister III); for Wm.Byrd C=0, 76.2, 193.2, 310.2, 386.4, 503.4, 579.6, 696.6, 772.8, 889.8, 1006.8, 1083.0 cents (quarter-comma meantone).

John Sankey
Harpsichordist to the Internet