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Recommended Recordings

  • Symphonies 1-20 (Vol 1): The Esterhazy Recordings
    Haydn's earliest symphonies performed by the Austro-Hungarian
    Haydn Orchestra and led by Adam Fischer.
    Recorded on the Esterhazy Estate in Hungary.

  • Three Favorite Concertos
    Performances by three of today's hottest young classical artists:
    Concerto for Cello no 2 in D major performed by Yo-Yo Ma,
    Concerto for Trumpet in E flat major performed by Wynton Marsalis,
    and Concerto for Violin no 1 in C major performed by Cho-Liang Lin.

  • Original Canzonettas Books 1 & 2
    A studio recording of many of the short songs that Haydn enjoyed creating,
    some based on folk songs heard on his travels.
    With Bradford Tracey on forte piano and James Griffett, tenor.

  • Paris Symphonies no 82-87
    A warm and lovely recording of the famed symphonies featuring
    Yehudi Menuhin conducting the Menuhin Festival

  • London Symphonies Volume 1 and Volume 2
    Analog recordings from the 1970s and 1980s remastered into two volumes of
    performances by the Royal Concertgebow, directed by Sir Colin Davis.
    Volume one contains symphonies 95, 96 (Miracle), 98, 102, 103 (Drumroll), and 104 (London).
    Volume two holds 93, 94 (Surprise), 97, 99, 100 (Military), and 101(Clock).

  • Symphonies 47/62/75
    A selection of symphonies that influenced Haydn's close friend Mozart to write some
    of his most diverse works. Elegantly presented by the precise, but warmly performing
    Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Martin Sieghart.

  • The Seasons
    A spectacular recording of Haydn's secular oratorio
    with Gundula Janowitz (soprano), Peter Schreier (tenor),
    and Martti Talvela (bass). Karl Böhm conducts the Vienna Singverein.

  • Symphonies 30/55/63
    The Northern Chamber Orchestra, with Nicholas Ward conducting, performed
    three of Haydn's symphonies" No. 30 "Alleluia," No. 55 "The Schoolmaster,"
    and No. 63 "La Roxelane."
    The latter symphony, written in the aftermath of the 1779 fire at Esterhaza, is unique in that
    Haydn composed this piece without any trumpets or percussion. A charming album.

  • The Creation
    In this work, Haydn shows his mastery of illustration through music, describing
    the lowly worm as well as the majestic lion as the story of Creation unfolds.
    Features wonderful tenor Fritz Wunderlich, who died shortly before the recording was
    completed, Werner Krenn, who took over the tenor parts that were remaining, as well as
    Gundula Janowitz supplying the soprano voice. With Herbert von Karajan conducting
    the Berlin Philharmonic.

  • Complete Overtures Vol 1
    Due to several fires during Haydn's lifetime, a great deal of his work was lost or left incomplete.
    In this album, you will find the complete overtures to several operas and marionette shows that
    were partially lost to the fires or the passing of time.
    Performed by the Haydn Sinfonietta Vienna and conducted by Manfred Huss.

  • Late Piano Sonatas
    Pianist Glenn Gould plays some of the latter of the over 50 piano sonatas written by Haydn.
    Gould properly captures the vivacious, romping humor and charm intended by Haydn
    in these pieces. Contains Sonatas for piano Nos. 56, 58, 59, 60, 61, and 62, recorded in 1981.

  • Art of Classics: Haydn
    Karl Munchinger and the Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra present several of Haydn's
    famed symphonies including No.45 Farewell, No.48 Maria Theresia, No.92 Oxford,
    No.82 The Bear, No.83 The Hen, and No.85 La Reine.

  • Quartets Op.77 No.1 & 2, 103
    A few of Haydn's last string quartets performed magnificently by the Salomon String Quartet.
    "Thoroughly responsive to every shift in Haydn's thought." –Penguin Guide to Compact Discs.
    This disc is a winner of the MRA Award.