Posted by Bob on January 21, 2001 at 22:38:02:
Does anyone have a Casio WK1800? I have one and can record sequences in it. It has a disk drive and so I can save my Casio sequences to disk (hence the .cs3 extension). I can load these from disk into the Casio WK1800 and play them on it's sequencer. But I want to play them on the sequencer and thru a MIDI chain setup with my PC I want to record. That way I'll have the sequence converted to MIDI. But I'm using Finale's PrintMusic 2000 and it hangs when I try this. It might be that the Casio only reads in Format 0 MIDI files so I'm thinking it only puts out Format 0 thus all the tracks are coming down into one channel in PrintMusic thus creating some sort of "overload" and it can't handle it.
Anyone familiar with this? Anyone know of a Format 0 recorder? I'm sorry, when I say Format 0, I mean MIDI Format 0.
Anyone perhaps know of a program to convert .cs3 to .mid maybe?
Thanks in advance.