Posted by Gordy Overing on February 03, 2001 at 01:04:33:
I have recently bought a completely professional custom built computer just for recording. I have an Alesis QS6 synthesizer and an Aardvark 20/20+ souncard,and work in Cakewalk 9 Pro Audio. My audio is recording fine but my midi is really acting up. Sometimes it plays my patches with a reverb out of the blue and sometimes it will play my previously recorded music, but wont let me get any sound out of the synth and record. It will be working fine one minute and all of a sudden it just stops working correctly. Is there any settings in Cakewalk that have to be set a certain way to record the multitimbral QS6 synth. This is getting frustrating. I have such a nice system and the midi is the only thing holding me back. I had a friend come over and tweek the system to the hilt to no avail. I don't know if it's the Aardvark or a setting in Cakewalk or the synth. The midi was working great with my crappy system, and the audio gave me trouble. Now with the new system the audio records great and the midi id kicking my butt. Any ideas? The QS6 is kind of hard to figure out itself. i keep trying different things with that and then just keep reinitializing it. Help!!! Great song ideas and a system that wont cooperate. Thanks, Gordy