Re: i'm a beginner. plz plz plz help...

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Posted by Jeremy D. on July 17, 2002 at 16:02:45:

In Reply to: i'm a beginner. plz plz plz help... posted by Ayman Adly on July 17, 2002 at 11:26:53:

The way the Audigy implements MIDI effects is like this: go to Audio HQ (should be linked from the Creative group on the Start menu) and look at EAX Control Panel. Here you can set up or modify an environmental preset that establishes global settings for reverb and chorus or another effect. E.g. call up the Concert Hall preset, which has lots of reverb (but no chorus). Double-click on "Reverb" and you'll see there's various parameters you can play around with. How directly comparable that'll be with what you're used to, I'm not sure.

Still in Environmental Audio, you may want to set the effects levels to 0 on the various entries in the Source tab, so that only MIDI tracks rather than audio data are affected - or you may not!

Finally, in Sonar, you can control how much reverb etc. you want on individual tracks using MIDI controllers 91 (reverb) and 93 (chorus). This works relative to the global settings you've set up as your environmental preset: so setting controller 91 to 0 will be dry, setting it to 127 will be at max.

If you're using the drivers off the Audigy installation CD, go to because there's a driver update that fixes some of the more serious bugs. (Another set of drivers is pending, I believe.) One bug I find sometimes is that the environmental presets don't seem to work, and you have to select another one and then reselect the one you want in EAX Control Panel, before the effects will function.


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