Re: Boss dr-770 and sonar

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Posted by Christian Lujan on August 24, 2002 at 23:59:52:

In Reply to: Boss dr-770 and sonar posted by Robert on June 03, 2002 at 01:01:43:

I too run a Boss Dr-770 through my Sonar program. If you haven't already, go to -VIEW- menu and click on Toolbars-. Then check the metronome box. Your metronome is what you will go through to sync your time. A metronome bar should appear under your Rec/Play , etc. bar. Find the box with a paper and metronome (Metronome Settings) and click on that. You will see a box open up stating >PROJECT SETTINGS and four tabs that read- Clock, Metronome, Midi In, Midi Out. Go to Midi Out and click on /Transmit Mid Start/Continue/Stop Clock. New options open underneath. You don't have to click on those. Turn you Dr-770 from internal sync to >Midi section. If you hear an echo, go to Midi in and turn off your echo. Hope this helps. Anymore questions, email me at

: Hello,
: I am having problems controlling my Boss dr-770 with sonar.

: I don't know how to do this.
: If there is anyone out there who could give me step by step instructions...i would GREATLY appreciate it. I have a midi in/out cable for my sound car (gameport cable). And I have a sync cable for the whole thing. Am i able to control the dr-770 thru sonar? How do i do this?

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