Cubase-instruments couldn't be played with MIDI-keyboard life

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Posted by Cosinus Pi on August 27, 2002 at 04:16:07:

Hi there,
I got a problem with cubase:
As I try to play an intrument in cubase via my MIDI-keyboard, no sound is played. The MIDI-In LEDs are on and i can record MIDI in the editor via MIDI-keyboard (the cubase-keyboard shows the key I'm pressing on my MIDI-keyboard). When I hit the play-buttom, sound is on and i can hear the recorded song with the selected instrument (which sounds kind of strange, cause I couldn't hear what I'm recording...)

When I hit the cubase-keyboard with the mouse, the instrument is played back too!!!
So, when cubase detects a key pressed on my MIDI-keyboard, it shows it on the cubase-keyboard (or in the List edit), but wouldn't play the instrument, hitting a key dierectly in cubase with the mouse, I can hear the instrument.

So: Input works, Output works, but they wouldn't work together at the same time!!
How can this be????

I already disabled the remote.

The MIDI-keyboard I use is rather old (KTI, GZ1000, Masterkeyboard), so is
my soundcard (TerraTec EWS 64), but they work fine together in other programms (Reason, B4, ...)

Please give me hints, what's wrong!!!
Thanx n regards,
Cosinus Pi

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