Re: New at MIDI and need some assitance

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Posted by Terry Vance on November 09, 2002 at 22:29:32:

In Reply to: Re: New at MIDI and need some assitance posted by Peter Jaye on November 09, 2002 at 11:53:18:

Thanks Peter I will have a look and see what I can find.

: Hi Terry

: You need a sequencer which is the musical equivalent of a word processor. They range in price from next to nothing up to hundreds of pounds and obviously you get what you pay for. They all work in basically the same way, you record your keyboard into it and play it back either through your computer soundcard or through the keyboard. You can also edit the song and add/take parts.

: The subject of how is a vast one but ideally if you just want to record your own playing on a keyboard it is straightforward. Depending on what soundcard you have and which sequencer you use depends on how you do it. It isnt that complicated and the manual supplied with seuquencers normally tells you how to configure it all.

: Some computers have a sequencer installed and many soundcards bought off the shelf have a basic one included. A good place to start is in the public domain where shareware and freeware sequencers are available. Google is a good place to start looking.

: Recording is good fun and when you really get to know your system you start adding different tracks and making some impressive songs. Good luck.

: Peter

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