Troubles With Cubase3.7r2+98 with big AVI file.

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Posted by Franck on December 13, 2002 at 12:24:30:


When im working with 10 minutes of AVI (535Mo) with DS Video Monitor,got troubles
like Cubase crash and AVI play alone 2 times faster.
Sometime that is work normaly for 1 hour.
When the bug append i reset my Midi interface and my controler keyboard
then cubase work for a time.

I loose a lote of time with trying avoid this bug so thanks for any ID.
I dont use audio from VST only the good old MIDI And 320X200 25 fps Video,Nothing in task bar :)
Cubase 3.7R2 (work fine without or 30'' short vidéo)

Win98 with indeo cinepack codecs, PII with 384MO of RAM .
HD (recently defragmented) Maxtor UDMA 33 7200 rps.
MidiExpress XT (serial version).

Thx for any help or tips and
sorry for this bad english.


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