Posted by Tim Godfrey on December 22, 2002 at 11:29:10:
In Reply to: Re: Rhythm styles casio WK1800 posted by Petr Rybar, CZ on October 09, 2002 at 02:36:41:
: : Having the Casio CTK-811ex I enjoy the converted Roland styles dawnloaded from Internet (see the great choose od free download of the "Roland style")
: Where can I find other rhythm styles and sounds for casio WK1800 ? And how to add them. Is there any site where you can download these stuff ?
I have e mailied Casio Canada to find out if they have anything new. I wonder if you can convert Band-in-a-box styles and then re-work them once they're in the Casio. It would be great to have access to "canned" styles since I really don't have the time to goof around inside the machine. The manual isn't 100% user-friendly either. The WK1800 is a good live performance machine, and it would be nice to have more style choices.