Midi advice

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Posted by Marquis de Mudde on February 21, 2003 at 00:01:41:

Hello friends! I'm about to graduate from a Maestro 32/96
soundcard running Cubasis Lite sequencer as it is causing
too many hardware and OS problems. Many of the instruments
produced by that sequencer through that card were pretty
true to life and I was quite satisfied. I'm not a
professional musician but I sing a little. All I require is
to be able to download a midi file from the web, maybe edit
it slightly and use it as an accompaniment. I'm about to
try a Soundblaster Audigy card but I need a replacement for
Cubasis. Shareware/freeware would be great but I may have
to spend a little. But if I want it to sound like a grand
piano it HAS to sound like a grand piano - not this techno
stuff with booming bass! Any suggestions/comments?

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