Re: Simple midi editor required

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Posted by Jeremy Dimmick on April 16, 2003 at 19:58:00:

In Reply to: Simple midi editor required posted by Brian Tonkin on April 15, 2003 at 16:58:46:

Since emailing you earlier today I've done a bit more research as this question gets asked so often. I checked out Jazz++ (, the freeware open-source MIDI sequencer, and found that it was very simple to cut a MIDI file. You just select a chunk you don't want using the mouse and hit delete. Up comes a dialogue box asking whether you want to keep empty space where the MIDI data used to be or close it up -- normally you'll probably want to do the latter. Then you can just save the left-over section under a new name.

Or, if you don't mind using a DOS-box command-line utility, check out for GNMIDI. On the "freeware" page is a collection of free utilities including one called midicut which can do what you want. The way it works is this: say you have a MIDI file called "wholesong.mid" and you only want to keep the section from 10 seconds in to 30 seconds in. Copy it into the folder where you've unzipped midicut.exe, open a command prompt and type:

MIDICUT -from 10 -till 30 wholesong.mid snippet.mid

The selected 20 seconds will be saved as "snippet.mid". The -from and -till values don't have to be integers, so you can be fairly precise in getting the bit you want. The author also sells a shareware collection of his MIDI utilities, with a Windows front end, that looks worth supporting.

Hope that helps.

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