Re: windows media player

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Posted by Jeremy Dimmick on August 10, 2003 at 20:32:07:

In Reply to: windows media player posted by Calbert on August 10, 2003 at 13:21:14:

: I created a midi file via my electric piano. I e-mailed it to someone. When they play it via Windows Media Player, the opening notes sound like a piano, but the rest sounds like some Chinese glockenspiel.

Weird! For some reason the electric piano must have inserted a patch change -- I don't think it'll be a problem specific to Windows Media Player; maybe your e.p. isn't completely General-MIDI compliant. You need to open the file in a sequencer (if you don't have one, jazz++ from is a good program) and make sure that each channel has the patch to set to #0 (grand piano), and that there aren't any patch change events elsewhere in the sequence.

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