Re: MIDI connections, Cakewalk, Alesis D4 and Kbd

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Posted by amphavanh on September 05, 2003 at 19:08:55:

In Reply to: MIDI connections, Cakewalk, Alesis D4 and Kbd posted by ddo on January 24, 2003 at 12:18:23:

: I've connected:
: Audigy MIDI IN with Roland A-30 MIDI OUT,
: A-30 MIDI IN with Alesis D4 MIDI OUT
: D4 MIDI IN with Audigy MIDI OUT.

: This works. Bur connection via MIDI THR has failed.

: I have another problem with Cakewalk PRO 9.0

: When I play drums, I listen them via audio output, but record as a MIDI track which configured in Cakework to Alesis D4 standard drunset. But I've modified this drumset in D4. Thus the sounds are different in D4 and software synth. So, when playing back the recorded track I listen another sounds. So I decided to set for drum's track the out as MIDI OUT port, but another tracks for midi piano, which use software synth, became play drums imstead of piano. I couldn't get possibility to choose different outputs for different tracks at the same time.
: May be somebody know an answer how to manage?

: Thanks in advance,

: Regards,
: Dmitry

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