Midi stand alone "CC" switch

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Posted by Shannon on October 22, 2003 at 00:20:11:

1st off, I'm clueless when it comes to midi... so this will be VERY untechnical. I am a guitarist and use a Lexicon midi foot controller to control my processor. There are two types of foot switches on the controller... one type is recognized as a simple channel switcher, the second type is a "CC" switch and i can assign it to send "tap tempo" signal. Is it possible to make a free standing single switch that will send a "CC" signal via midi? How hard would it be to make something like this?
I am currently hauling this big foot controller around for the single function of being able to tap my delay processor in time with the music. If I could find a way to make a single button controller that would do the same thing it would make my life way easier. Any info appreciated.

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