Posted by Stardivaryinsky on October 23, 2003 at 15:53:15:
I compose in the Classical and pop music genres - what sound card(s) are recommended for realistic sounding instrumentation?
Due to cost restraints I'm leaning towards Creative's Audigy 2 and the Turtle Beach Santa Cruz. I would also like to be able to download as many sounds as possible. Which of the 2 are better and why?
The Santa Cruz doesn't do portemento. Is this also a problem with the Audigy?
I'm looking for a good all around sound card, but it will mainly be used for composing music.
Abit 400FSB Motherboard
AMD XP 2600+ CPU
512 MB DDR400 Memory
Aopen GEFORCE4 64MB MX440 8X AGP Video
Cakewalk Software
BTW: All the reviews I've read only focus on gaming and not the true sounding orchestral instruments.