Re: MIDI connections, Cakewalk, Alesis D4 and Kbd

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Posted by dan on October 31, 2003 at 03:20:21:

In Reply to: Re: MIDI connections, Cakewalk, Alesis D4 and Kbd posted by Jonas Rose Hřeg on September 08, 2003 at 20:54:27:

: The only way to completely getting rid of the problem is to stop using cakewalk and bying yourself a copy of cubase vst, it gives you so much more in so many ways ! I use the alesis d4 for drums connected via midi thru to a korg x5dr and still playing some sounds (e.g. piano) at a software synth and with cubase the output selection for each separate track has never been a problem. It simply is the better solution when working with midi. Furthermore I've got it connected to an Akai DR16 Harddisk-recorder wich it also controls - using bar messures ! Hope you get to enjoy the wonders of cubase !

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