xp-10 can't record the MIDI?

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Posted by chris on November 06, 2003 at 11:26:44:

In Reply to: Re: help with roland xp10 posted by Chris on November 06, 2003 at 11:18:37:

: Hey Guys,
: Im working with a PC using Cakewalk's Sonar v2.0 XL, and a roland XP-10. I have all the configuration set up, and the MIDI is playing back fine, but unfortunatly, nothing is recording. Although, I try the same set-up, but instead use a Casio, and the recording of MIDI turns uot fine. Im wondering if it has something to do with the patches and user interfaces on the XP-10, because I know for sure its not the software. Please email me with any suggestions or solutions.
: Thank-you for your help, I wish you all the best.
: Chris

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