Trying to record a MIDI - can anyone help?

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Posted by Pavel M. on January 12, 2004 at 03:29:22:

I'm trying to get my YAMAHA PSR-275, my SoundBlaster 4.1 card and my CakeWalk ProAudio 9.0.3 to work together and I'm not having any luck.

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

1. I connected my PSR-275 to the sound card via the MIDI cable ( IN cable IN, OUT is OUt - checked it a few times ).
2. In "CAKEWALK" under Tools-MIDI Devices, picked "SB PCI External MIDI" for my Input Port.
3. Read and followed the Intruction provided by the Software of how to record a MIDI.
4. In Track 8, picked "MIDI Omni" as the source, clicked on the "R", clicked on the Record button, started playing.

I'm not getting anything through. I can't see the any symbols appear or sound from the computer. The only sound I hear is from that metronom ticking and the music from my Yamaha.

What am I doing wrong?

Do I need to set up my YAMAHA PSR-275 to output MIDI? I've read the Owner's Manuals a few dozen times and still do not get what they are trying to say. I've tried playing with "PC MODE" on - same effect, exept now I don't even hear my keyboard.

Any kind of help you can offer will be highly appeciated, thanks ahead for your help,

Pavel M.

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