Re: Cubase SX / Roland RD 700

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Posted by Guilherme Schroeter on March 13, 2004 at 05:43:08:

In Reply to: Re: Cubase SX / Roland RD 700 posted by Klaus Bickert on July 16, 2003 at 10:45:30:

Hi I am Guilherme SChroter, from Brasil.
I am classical composer Pianist
I have Roland RD 700 too! I made the Patch list (*.ins)
for Cakewalk and GM2 Device (Encore 4.1, 45) to wortk with encore.

I play live Rachmaninoff third piano concerto, second,
tchaikovsky no.1, Chopin no.1 and Grieg A Minor at Yahoo messenger (My ID: schroeterus)

Go there and I can help you

My web site:

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