multiple instruments at one time using Korg

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Posted by Aaron on January 21, 2005 at 10:06:55:

I am working with a system where I am monitoring MIDI input, interpreting the information and then using it to affect 3D visuals and sounds.

The sound aspect is playing wav files and outputing MIDI information to Korg Triton keyboard.

My MIDI knowledge is limited and I am currently only using one instument (whichever one is selected locally on the keyboard), playing different notes and affecting (globally) the pitch or modulation.

I need to know if there is a way to access multiple instruments without manually changing banks on the keyboard?

Do I need another piece of equipment? Or maybe could I go through another machine with a music program set up?

Ideally I would like to set up some sequences of music and then be able to switch and blend between them and play singular notes all at the same time. Is this possible by using MIDI inormation?

(I can output many streams of MIDI at the same time)

Any help would be much appreciated.


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