Posted by stevenglenn on April 03, 2007 at 21:52:06:
In Reply to: MIDI playback same patch for all tracks posted by Greg on March 31, 2007 at 23:54:32:
Make sure your synth is in poly mode, not omni mode. Assign a different channel to each track in Cakewalk.
: All my MIDI tracks play back in the same patch sound regarless of the patches selected for each track. If I solo a track with Grand Piano it plays fine, but when I play with other MIDI tracks it sounds like something else. I have a Yamaha S03 Synth connected to my PC with Cakewalk Music Creator 2003 installed. How do I set my channels in and out, and what other settings on my keyboard and software are necessary to allow all my MIDi tracks to play simutaneously with different patch sounds?