Re: QuadraSynth PlusPiano vs. QS Series

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Posted by JP on December 17, 1997 at 17:57:47:

In Reply to: Re: QuadraSynth PlusPiano vs. QS Series posted by JP on December 17, 1997 at 17:45:17:

I wanted to comment on your purchase of a QuadraSynth Plus Piano. Personally, I think it really rocks. The sounds are incredibly quiet, clean and complex (especially with the reverb.) From what I can tell after having played around with QS6's, the main differences are as follows:

1. the QS6, QS7 and QS8 are all basically the same, but are 61 key unweighted, 76 key unweighted and 88 key weighted, respectively. The first two are smaller and lighter than the QuadraSynth Plus.

2. The QS series have serial ports for easier connection to a computer.

3. The Quad controller knobs on your 'board are sliders on the QS series keyboards.

4.Sound Bridge software allows not just samples but entire sequences to be uploaded to a QS series keyboard's Soundcard. Quadra Synth Plus can just upload samples.

5. QS series keyboards have spaces for two (rather than the one on your keyboard)PCMCIA cards.

These are the only significant differences that I was made aware of. Also, I know there's a serial port on the QS8, but I'm not sure if it's on the other 'boards I mentioned. If you get into your keyboard, you'll realize that, bang for the buck wise, it rules, baby.

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