Posted by X Factor on September 12, 2000 at 22:00:30:
I've owned the qs6.1 for about a year now, and use it live along with a Yamaha MIDI data filer to play sequences. I've programmed several user mixes ("80's", "Soft Rock," "Dance," etc)and have to switch manually from mix 2 to mix 3, or whatever the sequence calls for, from the stage in between songs. I've read that you can dedicate a channel to instruct a mix change...I know how to dedicate the channel, but where in the MIDI sequence (and how), do you instruct the qs to change banks? I program the sequences in Cakewalk 9. Can I just assign one of the tracks to that MIDI channel and type the numeric value in the "Bank" section of Cakewalk? That seems too easy, so it probably won't work.
Also, is it possible to dedicate any of the controller sliders to run a light board? Like MIDI Out from the QS to MIDI in on the light board, and use it to fade lights etc?
These may be dumb questions, but I perused the archives here and couldn't find an answer.