Posted by Michael B. Kac on September 18, 2000 at 20:10:48:
I am trying to authenticate a story about a
suit brought against Hammond by a pipe organ
seeking a judgement prohibiting Hammond from
using the word 'organ' to designate its pro-
duct. According to the story, the suit was
decided in Hammond's favor when a jury of
experts in a blindfold test could not re-
liably distinguish between the sound of a
Hammond organ and a 'real' organ.
This story, or one very much like it, was
related to me many years ago by Margaret
Hammond, daughter of the founder of the
company. I would now like to cite it in a
scholarly paper on which I'm presently at
work, but enough time has passed that I
no longer recall the details correctly, and
I do not know how to contact Ms. Hammond. If
anyone can help me out, particularly with
regard to reliable references I might cite,
I would be most obliged.
Thanks in advance to any and all who re-
Michael B. Kac
Dept. of Philosophy
University of Minnesota