Setting up QSR for Sequencer Use

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Posted by Gary Persons on December 17, 2000 at 19:54:33:

I've read (and re-read) the manual (as well as an email that somebody sent me) and I just can't get it! (Talk about feeling foolish...)

My goal is to use the QSR as a multi-timbral synth (not Gen MIDI). As I understand it, the way to do it is to create a MIX with all 16 channels "ON", then do all the program changes from the sequencer.

When I attempt to turn a channel on, the logical next step is to "Store" it, so I hit Store. The Store button then flashes, and the LCD asks something like, "Do I want to Store in a USER patch?" I hit Store again, and lose the change.

(Man - this has got to be the worst manual I've worked with.)

Can someone help?

thanks -


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