Re: Need help with Soundbridge and Multisamples. PLEASE?!

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Posted by César on October 23, 2004 at 13:44:41:

In Reply to: Need help with Soundbridge and Multisamples. PLEASE?! posted by Quizas on October 22, 2004 at 23:33:37:

It may seem like a stupid question but...

have you heard the samples in advance?

Soundbridge do nothing to the quality of the samples so they should sound as you hear them raw...assuming also that you are hearing them in a program without effects, modulations, etc. ( have you initilalized the keyboard to achieve this? if not press 0 and 3 while turning on the QS )

If multisamples intrumentes ( I assume you are reffering to samplecell or other ) dont work maybe the problem has to do with the keyboard range assigment for each sample ( samplecell intruments already have this done for you ). In that case you can do it manually using Soundbridge ( it is difficult ) and you wont see the result until you transfer it to your QS so it will be a trial and error task.

If you already know all of this then dont pay attention to this. I have not havent had any problems with SOUNDBRIDGE but I have not used multisample intruments (samplecell etc. )

Hope this helps

: Hi all,
: I'm having the most frustrating problem that I can't seem to work out. I'm using a QS8 with the latest version of soundbridge from the Alesis site. I'm trying to send a mellotron multisample to my Flash RAM card. I've tried tons of different things - including using AWAVE to define a multisample from .WAVs, saving it as a samplecell PC file, then using soundbridge, and also using Soundbridge's native instrument create tool (it looks like it supports multisamples...) Both of these didn't seem to create a good multisample. A small range of keys sounded good and the rest awful. The last thing I tried doing was converting the samples from an Akai disk with CDXTRACT into .sf2 format, then converting to samplecell, as suggested by Chris Papageorgiou in his tutorial. That resulted in garbled noise coming from my QS8.
: Could someone PLEASE kindly help me and let me know the easiest (and most effective) way to send a multisample to my synth, either using .WAVs or the native Akai format? I'd really appreciate any help you can give.
: Thanks!

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