Re: Qs8+ Cakewalk HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Posted by Bill on July 17, 1998 at 14:13:25:

In Reply to: Qs8+ Cakewalk HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! posted by Guy on July 10, 1998 at 20:03:31:

: Hi,
: I have a Qs8 and I use Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.0
: The problem is that whenever I record some MIDI tracks I can choose what Mix I want and the individual programs but during playback the Qs8 changes programs SOMETIMES!!
: I checked the MIDI events and everything there seems alright (there are no extra program changes or things like that).
: For instance: if I choose No Frets!
: (preset2 program 044), on channel 1, I can record it and everything is ok.When I playback,SOMETIMES the program is correct but sometimes it jumps to other programs. It can jump from one program to another in
: the middle of the song or at the beginning even though there are no evidable program changes.
: Thanks alot for your help.
: Guy

I've had the same thing happen occasionally. It usually means I've assigned two different patches to the same channel by mistake. Then Cakewalk sends out 2 channel messages at the beginning of the song. If that's not the case, maybe there is an error in the instrument definition file Cakewalk is using - the one for the QS-7/8 that came with my Cakewalk 6.01 wasn't quite 100% correct. Another possibility is that there is a channel change message hidden in your .wrk file someplace. Still another quirk relates to the controller used to send channel change messages. The QS7/8 manual says it responds on Controller 0, and Cakewalk may by defaukt use a different controller to send the initial channel messages. My last thought, probably as useless as the foregoing, is that there is some conflict in the driver - I seem to recall previous QS-Forum messages referring to weird channel/bank changes when they used the QS serial driver rather than the Windows MIDI driver. There are lots of things going on within Cakewalk and the synth, and they all have to be just right. Sometimes it takes a while to figure out what "just right" is. Hope it goes well!

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