Posted by Jordi on December 24, 1998 at 09:37:59:
Ok, thanks to those who responded for the assistance on this topic (see the "Freeloader question" thread from a Dec. 22, 1998). I also called Alesis tech support. Everybody says - and I'm paraphrasing - simply send the sysex files to your QS using freeloader. Well, it ain't that easy. First off, there's no "send" command in freeloader. There's a "play" command. I verified with Alesis Tech Support that "Playing" is equivalent to "sending". Fair enough. So I "played" one of the sysex sound banks on the Alesis CD-ROM for 2 hours with no discernable effect on the QS itself.
Soooo, i then do a search on "Freeloader" in this forum, and I cannot find documented once - not even once - a single testimony that freeloader for Mac actually works. So please, someone who has successfully used freeloader for mac to load sound banks to their synth, please make yourself known so that I (and presumeably some of your other fellow Mac users) can ask some specific questions about how you managed to do it.
Incidentally, I moved on to using Unisyn to send the Alesis CD-ROM banks to the QS, and it worked flawlessly; and takes about 20 seconds! Zoom! So, in a sense, my problem is partially solved. HOWEVER, the extra banks provided on QCards are only in sysex format, so I'm back to trying to figure out how to either A) get Freeloader for Mac to do what everyone says it can do, or B) convert the sysex files into Unisyn format. Anybody know how to convert from sysex to Unisyn (short of using Freeloader)?
Thanks to all and Happy Holidays!