Effects in Mix mode - revisited

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Posted by Dave on May 12, 1999 at 11:52:17:

Hi All!

I've been going through older posts that deal with effects in Mix mode, but I'm confused. There are two different "things" I am tryng to do and cannot quite figure out what changes are required to accomplish this.

First - I have created some nice layered mixes but want to tweek the effects. I know only effects from one program can be active - but how do I know which one? Once I know which one, what do I have to do modify these effectst?

Second (and it's probably related) how do I get Cakewalk to control these effects (chorus & reverb)? I know I need to change something in Mix User 00, but can't quite figure out what.

I've been trying to decipher the Alesis manual (I've got a 6.1) but it is not real clear. Does anyone know if there is a good FAQ or third-party documentation on this topic? Is it easier to manage using the copy of Unisyn that comes on the PC (or perhaps another commercial product like Qcontrol)?

Thanks in advance for any help!

Dave Cline

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