In Reply to: do you need a card? posted by doug on February 21, 2000 at 13:41:14:
Nothing is stupid (you should see the question I asked on a JV/XP news group about my XP-30 - I figured it out but do I feel like a dope for asking) at any rate:
I have a QS8 (and had a QSR) and the answer is you should be able, using whatever supplied software editor came on your supplied CD (use to be MOTU UniSynth but I guess it is now Sounddriver?)to be able to access and upload to your PC the QS8.1 user bank (or ANY bank internal) for editing or storage on your hard drive. Then you should be able to send this or any modified bank back to the QS8.1 (but it will only write to the user bank area unless you are using Soundbridge to write it to a flash card). This can be done with either MIDI cables or the serial port.
hope this helps.
: Stupid Question: Is it true that in order to exchange programs (voices) from the user bank of my
: QS-8.1 and my pc, I need a flash card? Is it possible to access the user bank directly form the pc?
: And, do I need the serial cable, or could I use the midi cable connections to exchange the voices?
: thanks
: -doug