Re: y.a. newbie flash RAM card problem

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Posted by ik on March 14, 2000 at 18:30:01:

In Reply to: y.a. newbie flash RAM card problem posted by j.g. ungar on March 14, 2000 at 01:11:43:

: Okay, I must be missing something. I have a QSR v1.2 and a Pretec FAD-008P Flash RAM card. I am using SoundBridge 3.0 on Mac OS 8.6.

: I can format/initialize the card just fine, select a bunch of samples (which all happen to be drum sounds) to add to the first drum group in my SoundBridge project, and successfully send them to the synth. (SB returns 'Your card is ready.'). When I go to the QSR and try to load the user bank from the card, I get "No program data at this bank". What am I doing wrong ?

: Also, I cannot copy the contents of the user bank to the card - I get good ol' "card a is flash mem. cant str". But I believe this may be by design ?

: Help ?

Well, I guess you need to add a .syx mix/program bank to Soundbridge, if you want to write a bank to the card. If you do not, you can still use the samples with the user bank.

You can NOT copy directly your user bank to the flash card by design. What you can do: capture your user bank as a .syx file and add to your sb project. Now, if you write your card, the user bank will be written to the card.
If you capture the user bank with Unisyn, there is a problem: The bank will NOT be in .syx format.
I wrote a small (only ~10k) file conveter program(for the mac) which converts unisyn bank files to .syx file format(and vica versa). Write me if you need it. (Its free.)

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