Re: Recommendations for an Sram card anyone?

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Posted by Paul W on April 03, 2000 at 22:48:04:

In Reply to: Recommendations for an Sram card anyone? posted by Paul Forand on April 01, 2000 at 06:10:35:

Hi Paul,
If I am correct, you cannot put more than one bank of Program/mix on any card that will also be carrying sequences (flash rom card). It's also rather involved to burn the BANK onto the flash rom with the sequences and samples, but can be done easily once you learn how. The sram card is for storing Program/mix banks. You cannot use more than 512k card. 1meg is overkill and useless. You can set up 8 banks of prog/mix. The card area in this forum will tell you which type of pcmcia card to get. Not all type of pcmcia cards will work in the qs. Remember, flash rom cards are for burning sequences, samples, and one bank (reusable thousands of times). sram is for banks only (although I believe you actually CAN put sequences on them, but why would you want to when flash roms are so much cheaper than sram and ALL sequences MUST be loaded via computer interface?) hope this is helpful. PW

: Hi everyone:
: I have a Qs-8 and I am currently on the market for an sram card. I want to store patch sequences for use with my band. I have hunted around some and found the following product: "1 MB sram card from Protec". Is this model a good choice? Is there a better product out there? What steps are required to change patches on the card via a foot switch (programming). What type of foot switch is needed?
: Thank you for your attention....
: Paul

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